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bodies of work

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design commissions


© 2013 Louise Carrie Wales / Louise Wales Field.
All rights reserved. Full statement

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The images contained in this series focus on the foundation of the equine industry: its grooms. They are the constant care givers, and the often unsung heroes of an opulent, indulged world. Most of these men and women are migrant workers, here illegally, living under the radar of the USCIS. Many work long hours for low wages. They suffer police round ups and deportation, often without any support from their employers. Ironically, people such as Lou Dobbs, a long time force in the anti-immigrant sentiment, has two daughters who ride show jumpers. The hypocrisy is breath taking.
As I write this, our govenment is stalled on the issue of immigration. In a locked battle, party pitted against party, some 13 million workers hang in the balance. While their status suffers in this limbo, their lives continue and their commitment to the work that they do goes unfaltered. Despite the treatment and predjudices they endure, their basic values for family, work and life continue to triumph. These images serve to bring recognition and consciousness to their existence.